Digital Birmingham and Aquila have been busy at the ICC streaming Lord Stephen Carter’s speech at the first regional debate and launch of Digital Britain ‘Final Report’ event. At the same time, Julia was running an Unconference at Fazeley Studios, which Lord Carter attended for an informal Q&A session with the delegates as part of Fazeley Digital ‘09. Watch Lord Carter, who is heading the government’s Digital Britain project, announce his findings that will set out the aims needed to address the challenges of the internet and other digital technologies that were highlighted in his Interim Report.
This is the live stream of Lord Carter’s speech. Please click the live streaming now option or ‘more’ function at the base of the bambuser stream window.
10.45 Chairman’s Welcome, Adrian Goldberg
10.50 Official welcome, Deputy Leader, Cllr Paul Tilsley, BCC
11.05 Keynote speech, Stephen A. Carter, Minister for Communications, Technology and Broadcasting
11.35 Q&A session
12.15 ‘Delivering a Digital Britain’ , Iain Gray, CEO, Technology Strategy Board
12.35 End of Live Stream
Rhubarb Radio was also livestreaming audio from the ICC conference for those interested or on a lower band-width. Click the Rhubarb Radio Logo for AudioStream |